Style 1:

add_shortcode( 'catlist', 'tmdev_create_module_catlist' );
function tmdev_create_module_catlist($atts){
	extract( shortcode_atts( array(
		'title' 	=> '',
		'slug'		=> '',
		'taxonomy'  => 'category',		
		'post__in'	=> '',
		'limit'		=> 3
	), $atts, 'catlist' ) );
	$terms    = array();
	$terms    = array_map( 'trim', explode( ',', $slug ) );	

	if( empty( $terms ) ) return ''; 

	$args = array(
		'post_type' => 'post',
		'tax_query' => array(
				'taxonomy' => 'category',
				'field'    => 'slug',
				'terms'    => $terms
	// include post in category
	if( !empty( $post__in ) ){
		$post__in = array_map( 'trim', explode( ',', $post__in ) );	
		$args['post__in'] = $post__in;
	$query = new WP_Query( $args );

	<?php if ($query->have_posts()): ?>
		<div class="boxtag box-template-0">
			<h3 class="box-title"><?php echo esc_attr( $title ); ?></h3>
			<div class="box-content">
				<ul class="page-list-custom">
					$index = 1;
					<?php while ( $query->have_posts() ): $query->the_post(); ?>
						<?php if( $index == 1 ){ $index++ ?>
							<li class="full-box">
								<div class="box-thumb">
									<a href="<?php the_permalink(); ?>" title="<?php the_title(); ?>">	<?php the_post_thumbnail( 'large' ); ?>
								<div class="box-info">
									<h4 class="title">
										<a class="bold" href="<?php the_permalink(); ?>" title="<?php the_title(); ?>"><?php the_title(); ?></a>
						<?php }else{ ?>
							<li class="list-item">
								<div class="item-icon">
									<img src="<?php echo get_stylesheet_directory_uri().'/images/tick_red.png'; ?> " width="15">
								<div class="item-title">
									<a href="<?php the_permalink(); ?>" title="<?php the_title(); ?>"><?php the_title(); ?></a>
						<?php } ?>	 
					<?php endwhile; ?>      
	<?php endif; ?>	
	return ob_get_clean();


.boxtag .box-title {
  background-color: #f46f20;
  margin: 0;
  padding: 6px 5px 6px 16px;
  color: #fff;
  line-height: 1.4;
  font-size: 16px;
  font-weight: 500;
.box-template-0 .box-content {
  background: #fff;
  padding: 10px 10px 0;
  border: 1px solid #f3f3f3;
.page-list-custom .full-box {
  position: relative;
  padding: 0;
.page-list-custom .full-box .box-info {
  position: absolute;
  bottom: 0;
  background: #232121a6;
  padding: 5px;
.page-list-custom .full-box .box-info .title {
  margin: 0;
  font-size: 14px;
.page-list-custom .full-box .box-info .title a {
  color: #fff;
  font-weight: 600;
  font-size: 14px;
.page-list-custom .list-item {
  line-height: 20px;
  padding: 5px 0;
  border-bottom: 1px dotted #cfcfcf;
  display: -webkit-box;
  display: -ms-flexbox;
  display: flex;
.page-list-custom .list-item .item-icon {
  width: 20px;
.page-list-custom .list-item .item-icon img {
  margin-right: 5px;
  width: 15px;
.page-list-custom .list-item .item-title {
  flex: 1;
.page-list-custom .list-item .item-title a {
  font-weight: 300;
  font-size: 14px;
  color: #6f99d0;
.page-list-custom .list-item .item-title a:hover {
  color: #f46f20;


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